Sunday, July 6, 2014
This story is perhaps one that confuses maybe the most out of everything. Wife 2 had a drug problem and amongst other things suffers to walk the social and religious moral boundaries in so many aspects. No matter how many sins she's committed I've always tried to see the best aspects of her even if they're entirely in my head though many times to my own detriment. They say hindsight is 20/20 so I'm guessing this next story as with so many should've been a tell-tale sign to me but anyone that knows me, knows I rationalize things in my head so that the other person appears better than what they really are. Without further ado, here's:
So about 2 years ago, my wife worked for a petrochemical pump management company in Alrode, Johannesburg. The company, like so many encouraged good health and so on and one of these episodes had them have free HIV testing. Like so many companies this is a good practise and all employees are encouraged to take part, after all, it is a good thing to know your HIV status.
My wife, being part of management, obviously had to lead by example and take the test in an effort to get all employees involved thus leading by example. So she had her test. These days these test are very quick and within the hour you'll know your result. For me, however, I never doubted her result from the onset, knowing that she is a married woman and even after her many affairs and cheating, I still never believed she'd get a positive result.
She came home that day with a certificate of sorts which proclaimed her status as HIV negative and that she had "passed' the test and like I said it wasn't a surprise to me but her elation and over enthusiasm made me ponder. Of course I was happy but why was she so over the moon?
Then she went to her parents and proclaimed her excitement over her negative status showing her entire family her certificate. This made me wonder even more and to this day I still do and quite possibly till I lay dying on my deathbed, I may not fully understand why she had to really celebrate her "victory" over the HIV test?
If you're not sleeping around and neither is your husband then this test shouldn't even be a worry should it? Why would you be so over-the-moon that you passed an HIV test if you're not promiscuous or even had a blood transfusion in the past few months or even been sharing needles with fellow drug addicts because isn't that how HIV is contracted? The only reason you would marvel at your negative status, frankly, is because you have been sleeping around, or had a blood transfusion or even shared needles with your fellow drug addicts and weren't sure about your status isn't it?
I know, without a doubt that if I took the HIV test that I'd be declared HIV negative as I've always known throughout my life thanks to always being careful and making sure of things etc. I've had at least 3 HIV tests over the past 7 years and I don't even think it ever crossed my mind to call my mother or family members and boast at the fact ...
My question then is, what the hell was I missing because of her over exuberance at the fact that:
So about 2 years ago, my wife worked for a petrochemical pump management company in Alrode, Johannesburg. The company, like so many encouraged good health and so on and one of these episodes had them have free HIV testing. Like so many companies this is a good practise and all employees are encouraged to take part, after all, it is a good thing to know your HIV status.
My wife, being part of management, obviously had to lead by example and take the test in an effort to get all employees involved thus leading by example. So she had her test. These days these test are very quick and within the hour you'll know your result. For me, however, I never doubted her result from the onset, knowing that she is a married woman and even after her many affairs and cheating, I still never believed she'd get a positive result.
She came home that day with a certificate of sorts which proclaimed her status as HIV negative and that she had "passed' the test and like I said it wasn't a surprise to me but her elation and over enthusiasm made me ponder. Of course I was happy but why was she so over the moon?
Then she went to her parents and proclaimed her excitement over her negative status showing her entire family her certificate. This made me wonder even more and to this day I still do and quite possibly till I lay dying on my deathbed, I may not fully understand why she had to really celebrate her "victory" over the HIV test?
If you're not sleeping around and neither is your husband then this test shouldn't even be a worry should it? Why would you be so over-the-moon that you passed an HIV test if you're not promiscuous or even had a blood transfusion in the past few months or even been sharing needles with fellow drug addicts because isn't that how HIV is contracted? The only reason you would marvel at your negative status, frankly, is because you have been sleeping around, or had a blood transfusion or even shared needles with your fellow drug addicts and weren't sure about your status isn't it?

My question then is, what the hell was I missing because of her over exuberance at the fact that:
I don't think that even I could handle the answer to the question swirling around in my head, would you? Oh and don't think for one second that I believe passing an HIV test makes anyone a good person especially if they're living a sexual promiscuous lifestyle.... just saying.