Saturday, October 12, 2013
Ok so when you write true or actual stories you can’t use
real names and so on, thus I will use alternate names. Next, you know when
someone tells you a story about a ‘friend’ and the story’s actually about
themselves? Well in that same vane.... this is a story about a ‘friend’.
Lastly, due to the length of the story, I am forced to split the story up into
a few parts.
Bear with me and enjoy. Here goes nothing....
Right so I have this friend who met a woman. They were
second cousins and had met on one occasion before almost 15 years ago. She was
15 then and he was 21. He always had thought of her like a baby sister. Call
him Jack and call her, well let’s just call her Trouble.
Here we are 15 years later, the year is 2010. One of them
receives a friend request from the other and after years of absence, the two
are brought back together through social networking. He was a successful retail
employee and was a Store Manager at the time, She had studied marketing and had
completed her degree.The 2 were happy to be joined again and she even went so far as to call him that very same night. He was busy working in his store and she was at home. She told him she was married before and had 3 children from her previous husband at the ripe old age of 26. He couldn’t believe it because he had imagined so much for her when they had met before. The two started talking and chatting and it wasn’t long till she visited him at work. The first time she visited him, she was dropped off by her ex-husband and he actually thought nothing of it.

When they finally had sex and they were done, she got up and asked “so what does it feel like to be inside me?” She then nonchalantly got up and showered. He looked past these sign and three months later they were married. December 26th 2010 was their magical.... only that’s when things took a turn for the worse! It wasn’t long till he realised that the sweet, beautiful woman he thought he had married was something totally different...
To be continued in Episode 2 >>>
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