Friday, November 8, 2013
Now anyone that’s read my posts will know by now that when I start a story that goes “I have a friend...” knows who I’m really talking about. This story is no exception so without further ado let’s proceed with today’s story entitled:
So right, I have this friend, let’s call him Jerry. Jerry married this woman ... her name is ... well today let’s call her Becky. Becky had divorced her husband because well he wasn’t nice and she had an affair and the guilt ate at her so that relationship was pretty much doomed. They did however have 3 children together.
Okay, let’s get back to Jerry, before Jerry married Becky, she had made him go speak to her father because in her paranoiac mind she figured out some plot against her and Jerry by her ex-husband and her brother. Jerry, being the gentleman he was, and believing through his love-filled rose tainted glasses that his beloved would never play him for the fool, proceeded to go and speak to her father.
Jerry was honest and told her father exactly how much he
felt for Becky and so on. Nothing was ever the same after that again. The next
time they would meet, Becky’s dad nicely refused to let him past the driveway
gate. He had stood in the rain that night when he was denied access to their
Jerry and Becky then decided to get married, with Becky
finding the correct religious advisor to perform the marriage and also a place
for the marriage to take place as well as a time. This was done unbeknownst to
her parents.
As time went by Jerry started noticing something about
Becky, her friends and her family. He couldn’t meet Becky at home, due to her
father’s animosity towards him so she made elaborate plans with what she called
her friends in a way that they would fetch her and take her to wherever she
could meet Jerry.
Becky’s so called friends who were allowed in the house, to
sleep there and Lord knows do what also, were okay for Becky’s father to have
associate with his daughter. These friends were less than desirable compared to
Jerry. Jerry had worked hard all his life and his career was moving forward. He
was stable and pleasant both in character and demeanour.
Becky’s first friend, let’s call him Bob was far older than
Becky. He had met her when she was 13 and he was way older and had tried to
entice her to him by buying her a jeans. The story goes that they had been
friends ever since.
Becky’s other partner in crime was her cousin, let’s call
her Fiona. Fiona, if memory serves me correctly had gone through having regular
abortions at the rate of about 1 every 2 years from the age of 12 or 14.
Both of Becky’s friends were regular drug users. They did
drugs daily and with Becky. Jerry didn’t know this of course till long
afterwards. So these were the friends that Becky and her family deemed fit to
be around their daughter. Jerry tried again to enter Becky’s house but was once
again denied.
In the meantime, Fiona and Bob were allowed to come and go
as often as they liked. Taking Becky away from Jerry and convincing her that
Jerry was bad. Becky did drugs with them and even though she was under the
watchful eye of her parents, she had the world to explore with her two friends
by her side.
About a year later after things had cooled down and Jerry
was allowed back into Becky parents house, he asked her father how it was that
drug addicts and whores were allowed to associate with his daughter but he,
Jerry, who had never touched drugs or did anything as vile as they did was not
allowed to come inside, the father then replied....
“We didn’t know they were using drugs.”
You can imagine how shocked Jerry was. Apparently most of
Becky’s peers and community knew she was a drug user and the kind of reputation
these friends had. I would even go so far as to say that her siblings and ex-husband also knew.
Jerry’s perspective will forever and always be that he
wasn’t allowed into that house but drug addicts, users and women who would have
made more money by charging their bedfellows for their services were.
Moral of this story, be very careful who you choose to chase
away from your house and who you allow into your house. You may be shocked at
what lurks in those hallowed rooms within your abode.
Thursday, October 31, 2013

For years my passion has been movies and TV shows. Movies, I
guess because it always felt like family bonding moments whenever we rented
movies. Movies, as I’m sure the feeling is for everyone, is really escapism
into other worlds or realities, away from the dreary day to day life.
So naturally my first
blog was going to be about movies. I found a template and immediately started
learning to navigate Blogger until I became accustomed to it. Any help I
needed, I consulted my brother or Googled it. I posted reviews about movies I
had seen, expressing my opinions for the world to see. Everyday after work I’d
come home and check my stats. Were there any pageviews? What else could I write

I blogged until around October 2010 and never touched it
again until July 2012! In this absence, alot changed in the world of blogging.
I needed to change my template again. There were now literally hundreds of
sites with them and codes for all kinds of widgets. I also found Google Adsense
and Google Plus which I now used. It didn’t hurt of course to add some social
networking in the form of Twitter and Facebook pages which automatically
updated whenever I posted something new.
Due to an unfortunate turn of events, I stopped blogging
again as life took it’s toll once more. I then started blogging again in April
2013. Here’s where something changed. To my surprise when I logged in, I found
that my pageviews were in the tens of thousands, that I had followers on
Facebook and Twitter and that I was actually earning money even though I hadn’t
touched the blog in months.

You can imagine my amazement because what started out as a
hobby and a passion had actually turned into money. From life experiences, I’ve
found that money and passion seldom agree with each other. As I write this, I
see my next cheque is already on the way. I really enjoy blogging and look
forward to doing it for a very long time.
So if you’ve found something you’re passionate about, write
about it.Who knows, your passion could also turn into some welcomed cash.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Who's Your Daddy?
Okay so imagine you meet a nice girl and you two hit it off.
You love that she’s intelligent and can keep a good conversation. You two start
a relationship and bond on emotional, physical and even spiritual levels. Like
so many guys who meet girls, this is typical hoe a relationship begins and
continues. It’s communication that essentially is the metaphorical ‘glue’
between any couple.
Part of the bonding is sharing stories with each other, the
intimate details of your life, morals and perhaps even experience. You totally
open up to the other and trust is built. I think anyone that has had any kind
of relationship must surely understand what I’m saying.
One such story during the bonding phase goes like this...
I heard one of the most private secrets spoken off the soft
lips of a loved one. She told me that when she was in matric and doing her
final exams, her grandmother, on her father’s side asked her and her father to
undergo a paternity test to prove that she was indeed her father’s daughter.
She said she was under immense stress and could hardly cope with writing exams
and going through the emotional trauma of a paternity test.
My heart broke and I really didn’t know what to say. A
thousand different things went through my head, least of all, I pondered then
if her grandmother was questioning her paternity that really implied that her
own mother must’ve done something to have an entire family wondering such a
thing. I looked into her eyes and asked if she knows why her grandmother would
endure both her and her father to such a test and she responded saying she didn’t
What does one really say when you hear such a story. It’s a
complex mixture of personal history intertwined with emotion and inner turmoil.
One that’s possibly unimaginable unless you yourself have gone through such an
Right, now flash forward two years into the future. The
woman is now the ripe old age of 31. Her father sits in front of us. We now
have a child of our own, a little boy. The only problem is, she admitted having
an affair with her ex-boyfriend during the marriage and one of the things in
question is the paternity of our own child. This unsurety comes from a message
I intercepted on her phone where when chatting online to her ex-boyfriend’s
cousin, she was asked if who the father of her child was, to which she replied
her husband. Then she was told that the child looked like someone else and
questioned how sure she was. She then replied with an oh and said she’d have to
So here she sits, with her dad and I. Trying to reach out to
her dad, I said he should appreciate the questioning of paternity of our son
because he too experienced it when he and his daughter went through it and thus
understanding my predicament.
Imagine to my amazement when her father turns around to me
and says he has NO IDEA WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!! No such event ever happened!
The two of us sat dumbfounded and confused. The entire story was a lie! He’s
daughter had nothing to further say, instead she tried to make up more excuses.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
We work very hard every day to live what we all consider our
dreams. For some of us it’s just the basics that matter, a roof over our head
and food on the table, anything else you can afford after that is I suppose
considered wealth.
Now back to the “roof over our head” bit. It seems in South
Africa, one of the best, let’s call it living situations is in what we call
Townhouse Complexes. These complexes provide a safety net or safety in numbers.
Lots of families, living in bricked up houses and feeling safe behind six foot
walls with electric fences. These complexes are common place and litter the
landscape all along our cities. Even these have levels relating to wealth, with
the extremely rich having all kinds of protection against the outside world
including fingerprint / handprint identification, guest verification and so on.

Why would we hide behind these electrified walls? To be safe
against whatever the world may throw at us? While living like this may be
considered freedom and really, few of us even know our neighbours or even their
names other than a smile and a wave now and again, this is really sub-conscious
prison walls we’ve thrown up around us.
Let’s look at the differences or similarities. Electrified
fence – CHECK. Guards at a gate – CHECK. Walls higher than we can climb –
CHECK. Perhaps the only difference is that unlike jail, we report to landlords
instead of jailors and we’ve chosen to live like this, whereas in jail there’s
no choice. I’m sure I could go on and on about the similarities but I’m sure
you get the idea.

We have now as a civilised nation really jailed ourselves
all with a notion of safety. Whilst I realise that South Africa is one of the
most crime infested countries in the world, I find myself asking how is this
living if we’re all cooped up in these self – inflicted jail cells? Guess at
the end of the day it’s all a matter of perspective isn’t it?
Check out the into song for the TV show Weeds, I think it describes it aptly...
Saturday, October 12, 2013
When I married my second wife, the Imam said, “don’t let
Facebook become a problem.” I smiled and my wife and I left. It bothered me then and after all I’ve been
through, it still bothers me. Had Facebook become such a problem that holy men
were talking about it to newlyweds?
Now I’ve read stories where people have changed their
relationship status to ‘single’ while they were still in a relationship and
this caused real issues in there lives. I myself am no stranger to things that
happen online but the question I’m
posing here is do you really wan to blame all these Social Networking
platforms? With technology today, we have everything at our fingertips, so
should you monitor and perhaps even block your partner?

My answer simply is that of so many gun owners, guns don’t
kill people, people kill people. Shouldn’t this philosophy extend itself to
something like Facebook and the like? Can you really blame social networking or
is it the responsibility of the person using it?
Now at the same time I hear people saying but rather perhaps
abstain from using it, problem solved right? Wrong, sure abstinence could work
but where do you draw the line? Where does it stop? Before you know it you’re
living in a technology free household and holding onto a false sense of
Let me say this to you, if you don’t trust your partner on
any internet forum then perhaps the problem is actually between you and your
partner, not the platform. The platform mainly provides a service and how it’s
used depends totally on the person using it. You will literally drive yourself
crazy trying to stop what will probably be the inevitable anyway...
According to PsychCentral in a post entitled "FACEBOOK CAN DAMAGE A RELATIONSHIP" the following was found:
"For many, social networking sites are integral to relationships, but a new study finds that Facebook use could actually damage users’ romantic relationships.
"Researchers from the University of Missouri found that individuals who use Facebook excessively are far more likely to experience Facebook-related conflict with their romantic partners.This acrimony can cause negative relationship outcomes including emotional and physical cheating, breakup and divorce.
The researchers found that high levels of Facebook use among couples significantly predicted Facebook-related conflict, which then significantly predicted negative relationship outcomes such as cheating, breakup, and divorce."
To read more from PsychCentral click here
Ok so when you write true or actual stories you can’t use
real names and so on, thus I will use alternate names. Next, you know when
someone tells you a story about a ‘friend’ and the story’s actually about
themselves? Well in that same vane.... this is a story about a ‘friend’.
Lastly, due to the length of the story, I am forced to split the story up into
a few parts.
Bear with me and enjoy. Here goes nothing....
Right so I have this friend who met a woman. They were
second cousins and had met on one occasion before almost 15 years ago. She was
15 then and he was 21. He always had thought of her like a baby sister. Call
him Jack and call her, well let’s just call her Trouble.
Here we are 15 years later, the year is 2010. One of them
receives a friend request from the other and after years of absence, the two
are brought back together through social networking. He was a successful retail
employee and was a Store Manager at the time, She had studied marketing and had
completed her degree.The 2 were happy to be joined again and she even went so far as to call him that very same night. He was busy working in his store and she was at home. She told him she was married before and had 3 children from her previous husband at the ripe old age of 26. He couldn’t believe it because he had imagined so much for her when they had met before. The two started talking and chatting and it wasn’t long till she visited him at work. The first time she visited him, she was dropped off by her ex-husband and he actually thought nothing of it.

When they finally had sex and they were done, she got up and asked “so what does it feel like to be inside me?” She then nonchalantly got up and showered. He looked past these sign and three months later they were married. December 26th 2010 was their magical.... only that’s when things took a turn for the worse! It wasn’t long till he realised that the sweet, beautiful woman he thought he had married was something totally different...
To be continued in Episode 2 >>>
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
No matter where you go or where you may find yourself, there’s
gossip. It doesn’t matter whether or not you stay at home and bother no one or
go out and be amongst lots of people, gossip will always be there.
The saying goes ‘loose lips, sink ships’ and it’s no truer
now than when it was first uttered. Whether you listen to gossip or spread
gossip, it’s all damaging. Gossip in itself is usually speculatory at best and
though there may be tiny traces of the truth, 9 times out of 10 gossip never
has a single leg to stand on.
The plain and simple fact is that people in any circumstance
will talk about other people. Perhaps it’s just human nature or a general
curiosity but whatever the reason, it seems to be more prevalent amongst small
minded people.
The consequences of this irresponsible behaviour can be
totally tiny, causing no ripples at all in anyone’s lives or it can be totally
devastating. Lives can be ruined, marriages can be ruined and friendships can
be ruined and all this by a few words of the tongue. They literally can sow the
seeds of anyone’s destruction.
A word of advice may be to ignore those who choose to spend
their time talking about others. Chances are that if people are talking to you
about someone they’re also talking to someone about you. Don’t be surprised if
you hear stories about you or even that you were the originator of the gossip
and all you did was lend an ear or comment.
A few basic rules about gossip may be:
Refraining from talking about other people
Avoid or deter conversations that include other people’s
private lives
entertain any gossip which may come your way
The worst case scenario is when gossip and ‘tiny’ untruths
become the truth and by this I mean the gossip actually replaces the truth.
People’s lives are irrevocably changed because of it and in the tale-spin
reputation and respect thrown to the wayside and lost forever..
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

If Shakespeare truly said ‘all the world’s a stage...’ then
truly we’re in an extremely badly written play. Who truly knows exactly what
anyone else’s motives really are. You have a conversation with someone and find
yourself reliving the chat in your head long after it’s done. Perhaps you find a
better way to reply to the other person or re-evaluate the entire chat
altogether... who knows but one thing is definitely for sure, there’s no end to
the movie, no credits rolling just the next random scene of life.
As for plots, villains and heroes, we all are perhaps so
jaded that we are all the heroes in our own little universes. Nothing we do is
really wrong, it’s the other person. Don’t let someone tell you a different way
of doing something or lecture you. They had no right to! Who are they to talk
to you like that? Truth be told, in these world’s there seem to be many
villains. The woman who took your parking at the mall then the person who got
the promotion you were supposed to get and so it goes.

Go out there and live! Who cares who said what and what you
could’ve said or done differently. Whatever’s happened has happened and nothing
can be done to change it. Move on, move forward and continue to learn from good
and bad encounters.
Monday, September 30, 2013

Now don’t get me wrong, that in itself is not the only barrier
here. It seems companies have now turned to the newly outsourced Human Resource
Agencies to employ people rather than doing it internally. It seems like every
graduate of any Human Resource certificate, Diploma or Degree now turns to the
safety in numbers strategy by joining these agencies. Kudos to them! The
problem however is that when these people interview any candidate they’re
honestly thinking of the payoff should they get someone employed into whichever
company they’re screening for.
At the end of the day money talks and that’s the God’s
truth. I have sat at many of these interviews myself and one thing I’ve picked
up consistently is that these Human Resource Agencies don’t really know much
about the jobs they’re interviewing candidates for and it’s almost as though
their eyes glisten with dollar signs in them and no real care for the person in
front of them or the company they’re providing a service to.
So it’s money, money, money right? Isn’t that what makes the
world go round? Now when these Human Resource Agencies see that you have the
skill they will hunt you down but let them sniff out that you have bad credit,
you can almost see the sadness and they give up. You realise deep inside you
that you will never speak to any prospective company and no matter how you’d
like to plea that door is now shut.
Perhaps companies in a country like this should have their
own Human Resource / Personnel department who can determine for themselves a
future employee’s worth based on their skill levels and not just their credit
ratings. The dreadful South African job market and the huge amount of
unemployed people should make government relook their strategies and reconsider
whether or not bad credit should be a deterrent to anyone getting a job.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

When you’re sitting in that lonely corner and the world has
turned it’s back on you with darkness illuminating every ounce of your being ,
the honest to God fact is that it’s your own fault. What do I mean by that? Ok
let me elaborate, wherever you are in your life at the moment you’re reading
this is the sum of all the choices you’ve made. All roads have led you here.
More often than not it is so easy to blame anyone or someone
else for our misfortune. So and so did this to me, so and so caused me to lose
my job, it’s because of so and so I lost everything. Honestly however, we
should all stop blaming others and take total responsibility for what’s
happened in our own lives. I guess it’s very easy to blame someone else for our
losses or things that have happened than to accept our own failures.
Life wasn’t meant to be easy and yes, some people were born
into tough circumstances while others seem to always get everything they
want. It always pays to remember that
wherever your life began, that’s not how it has to end. Each time we fail we
should hold our heads up high, learn from our mistakes and move on knowing that
we are better people.
It’s easier said than done right? Wrong! You’ve got to reach
down to that powerful light inside you and get up. Find that motivation, that
driving force that keeps you going and lift yourself up. For example, twice in
my life I have had nothing. Once when I was 19, I was homeless and relied on
random friends for a place to sleep and some food. I was fortunate enough to have people who
could assist me where they could but life wasn’t easy and I blamed everyone
else for my misfortune. One of my friends gave me a ring to hold on to which I
still have to this day. I now look at the ring and am reminded that I had
nothing but also the courage to lift myself up and create a whole new life for

Saturday, September 28, 2013

People are looking for the “make money from home” scheme ( and
boy there are many ) using the least amount of effort and time. It’s only
natural that blogging would become one such thing. Google “how to make money
blogging” and see how many results there are. There are literally millions of
pages on the topic. Somewhere inside you, you should realise that if there are
so many people with so many answers then there must be a catch. Why are there
so many people that know how to do this, yet you and I don’t really personally
know anyone in our immediate circles do we?

Ok, admittedly, I’m sure there are people out the making
cash from blogging and probably good money but for you and me, are these things
out of reach? Globally there must be
hundreds of millions of blogs, each with it’s own personality, writing styles
or lack thereof and so many platforms to use, so what chance do the rest of us
stand to make even 1 single cent?
You get told that you need to bounce off social networking
platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pin It etc
etc. People will even tell you your posts need to be no longer than 300
words while others encourage you to write till you feel you’re done. Some will
tell you to add pictures to your blog posts to make your writing attractive and
again the lessons carry on and on. There are even people that will help you for
a small nominal fee ( that’s their get rich scheme I guess ) with advice to
make us all multi millionaires.

Good luck and remember, if you’re not having fun doing it
then you probably shouldn’t be doing it at all.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Why Do Women Cheat?
That must be the question on the lips of anyone who ever
loved a woman and had her cheat on you. Circumstances for every situation are
different and therefore cannot be given one single universal answer. Maybe you
made her angry, maybe that’s her personality, who knows, but whatever the
reason or factors are, the fact remains, she cheated on you...
Wife 1 worked as a store manager for a retail concern. I
helped her, coached her till she grew in her career. I gave her a house, food
on the table and a beautiful BMW. Was this enough? Nope! She slept with her
boss, a security guard and the guy who fixed our brakes.... hell, i could go on
with this list but I’m sure you get the picture. The excuse given when
confronted is “it’s your fault”!
My fault?! I just wanted a wife to take care of, look after
and love till my dying breath. Today she's in a same sex relationship with someone she met at a mental disorder clinic!
Wife 2 had a serious drug problem, huge daddy issues,
emotionally unstable etc etc. When we met she pretended to be someone more ‘normal’
and when she couldn’t keep up the lie anymore, she couldn’t live with it and
turned to drugs and her ex boyfriend. Nice right?! Here’s the interesting part,
we just had a child together, the boy was barely even 2 months old and she started
flirting with various men on Facebook.
One promised her a job for sex and when I found out, she
just shrugged and said “It’s a game, you don’t understand” ( my favourite
excuse by the way ) and “you nipped it in the bud”. She also took the job..... should I mention I cried for seven days?
I could tell you that I found my first girlfriend, as a
teenager, kissing some guy in my parents driveway and many other stories but
that’s of no consequence to this tale. All I’m saying is it seems that no
matter what you do, what you give, how much you dedicate yourself, it doesn’t
matter, things will happen. So what do you do?
Well you can stay and hope for the best, forgive her and
move on or you could just thank God for small miracles and walk away. I do have
a problem with the forgiveness part as it’s directly linked to forgetting. So
if you can forgive and forget, do it but if somewhere in your heart you can’t,
then don’t lie to yourself, do the right thing and move on.